The Learning Agency

If ever there was a time to heed the science of learning and exercise learning agency, this is it! (Photo by Ben Bowman.)

O ur friends at The Learning Agency have created an online course, Learn Better: The New Science of Learning to Learn, to help people learn to do stuff better, whatever their life stage. If you’re into learning stuff, check it out.

The president of The Learning Agency is Ulrich Boser, the author of the fun book on learning called Learn Better. Among the company’s advisors are some of the country’s leading learning scientists.

As a proud volunteer contributor to the course, I encourage you to preview it by checking out these interview on the impact of setting goals, making connections, emotional resilience, reflection, and overconfidence on learning, which make up a small part of the course.

I further encourage you to send me your most honest feedback on my remarks, my body language, and overall look of the videos. I’m working on a big video project at the moment, and could really use your help.

Learning on me, learning on three! 1, 2, 3, LEARNING!!!

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