The more complicated your circumstances are, the greater likelihood that you’ll need a niche service provider who specializes in something with which you may not have prior personal experience. For example, if your family needs a transition coach to help a student get back on track academically after a substance-abuse issue that you just don’t understand, well, Eric Quinlan of Recovery Care Partner does exactly that, and he does it with a wealth of hard-earned experience.
How did you get into this field?
I earned my Master’s degree in teaching and shortly afterward I was fortunate enough to teach at a therapeutic boarding school. I utilized these skills with lots of life experience to be noticed by Don Sloane at Recovery Care Partner. My commonsense and compassionate approach really made me stand out as a great part of the team doing Transition Coaching for Recovery Care Partner.
What do you love about the work?
I love the connection. I believe in my students. Words cannot describe the satisfaction when a student with learning differences is able to succeed and meet his or her goals
Why do people hire you?
People hire me because they hear of the results their children have had from working with me. Parents trust me and know that I am able to get through academically and behaviorally to some of the most difficult cases.
How do you feel about study skills?
Study skills are super important; they are an essential part of all academic growth. In order to succeed academically, my students need to have strong study skills framework in place for them from the start.
What’s your favorite piece of advice to give students?
Don’t give up the ship. Believe in yourself, and if you are unable to right now, allow me to believe in you until you can move forward on your own.