Don’t you love it when you find the exact right person to solve a particularly stressful problem? Ali Navidi of Dr. Navidi & Associates is one of those people. He has the standards of a scientist but remains down-to-earth, and loves helping students pursue excellence.
How did you get into this field?
I fell backwards into psychology. I was working in biotech and beginning to move towards my PhD in biochemistry. Luckily, I had the good fortune to have a wife who is a lot smarter than me. She pointed out that I was spending all my time reading about psychology and acting as junior therapist to my friends and colleagues. At that point, I jumped ship and made the switch to psychology. My family probably thought I was crazy at the time, but I think it all worked out.
What do you love about the work?
Psychology, the study of people, is infinitely fascinating. More specifically, I have always been drawn towards the pursuit of excellence and if you don’t get the psychological side of things right then you aren’t going anywhere. Sure, a lot of people are at the beginning of their journey to excellence, but I feel that every step towards that goal is meaningful.
Why do people hire you?
Initially, they hire me because I am pretty much the only person in the area who does what I do. I utilize clinical hypnosis to help kids and adolescents with GI issues like IBS and stomach pain. They keep working with me because the techniques work and they get results.
How do you feel about study skills?
I think that becoming a good learner is one of the best things that you can do for yourself. The earlier you begin to get good at and to love learning, then the more impact and opportunity you will have in your life.
What’s your favorite piece of advice to give students?
Stop obsessing about grades because they are the wrong target to be aiming at. Concentrating on grades will make you anxious, stressed and an ineffective learner. Instead, shift to what you can control, which is your Focus, Attitude, and Effort.