The Eight Whys of Going to College

Increasingly, parents who want to do less nagging, groups that want to teach their students new skills that will stick, and schools that want their faculty to feel more empowered are requesting that I come speak to their group.

Last month, I gave a 40-minute college success talk at Quince Orchard High School’s College Day that tied in with their theme of “Find Your Why” titled, The Eight Whys of Going to College, which I wrote special for the occasion and had never given before.

I love teaching students how to get their money’s worth in college because I grew up at a college, did 7.5 years of college free (starting as a rising 10th grader), had several amazing jobs while in college (all paid, no internships), studied abroad for six months, triple majored, worked in colleges for 20 years, and had two college radio shows.

As a college junior, I even wrote an opinion piece for the school paper about how students could wring every drop of value from their college experience. Who does that?!

Could your organization, team, or school use a fun talk full of practical tips on how families can make the most of their educational investments? Get in touch today!

a woman gives a thumbs up to the camera with notebooks on her head

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